Hollosi Information eXchange /HIX/
Copyright (C) HIX
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Megrendelés Lemondás
Matol a HIRMONDO is elerheto lesz a HIX archivumban, koszonet a Hirmondo
stab segitsegenek. A feltoltodes folyamatosan fog menni, es utana mindig
az utolso 30 szam lesz lekerheto.

Jozsi. /HIX/
1 Kereses (mind)  11 sor     (cikkei)
2 Furedi Anna-bal (mind)  8 sor     (cikkei)
3 PostScript kepernyo meghajto IBM PC-re (mind)  6 sor     (cikkei)
4 szallas Londonban (mind)  19 sor     (cikkei)
5 Amerikai elnokvalasztas (mind)  4 sor     (cikkei)
6 Vagyonnyilatkozat (mind)  36 sor     (cikkei)
7 Uszas es csuszas (mind)  4 sor     (cikkei)
8 LambdaMOO, ha az irc nem eleg izgalmas (mind)  483 sor     (cikkei)
9 keres (mind)  14 sor     (cikkei)
10 Lotus (mind)  8 sor     (cikkei)
11 Kezcsokom a holgyeknek ... (mind)  3 sor     (cikkei)
12 Freud Zsigmond igaza (mind)  8 sor     (cikkei)
13 amerikai-magyar turo (mind)  6 sor     (cikkei)
14 On-line ko2nyvta1ri katalo1gus (mind)  9 sor     (cikkei)
15 Egy ujszulottnek... (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
16 Keresem Kozma Gabort (mind)  13 sor     (cikkei)
17 Fohasz (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
18 Marci jelentkezz! (mind)  3 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Kereses (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kedves Tippelok!

Keresem Csordas Belanak, a Magyar Kornyezetvedelmi Alap USA koordinatoranak
e-mail cimet, felteve ha van ilyen. Levelcimem van, de orulnek ha valaki
megerositene, mivel az Apt. szam ketseges. A cim:
Csordas Bela
1646 First Avenue, Apt 2J (? lehet, hogy 27 ?)
New York, NY 10028

+ - Furedi Anna-bal (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kedves TIPP-olvasok!

 Tudja-e valamelyikotok veletlenul, hol es hogyan lehet a balatonfuredi
Annna-balra jegyet szerezni?

		Segitsegeteket elore is koszonom.

				Udvozlettel, Hetyei Gabor
+ - PostScript kepernyo meghajto IBM PC-re (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Ismertek olyan programot, ami egy PostScript file altal leirt kepet
IBM PC kepernyore varazsol (ps2scr). Lehetoleg olyat ami megerti a standard
Adobe PostScript-et. Ha igen, mennyire jo, hol lehet megkapni?

+ - szallas Londonban (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kedves Londoniak !

December 13-tol egy konferencian veszek reszt
Warwick-ban. Mivel APEX jegyem van, igy mar szombaton
dec. 12-en Londonba erkezem, es csak masnaptol,
vasarnaptol van szallasom Warwickban.

Eloere is koeszoenoem, ha valaki tud olcso szallast
ajanlani, javasolni (esetleg telefax szammal a

                                  Laurenczy Gabor

+ - Amerikai elnokvalasztas (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

A kivancsisag ordoge nem hagy nyugodni - nem tudja valaki veletlenul,
magukat az elnokvalaszto elektorokat ki es kikbol valasztja?

                                        Bartok Nagy Janos
+ - Vagyonnyilatkozat (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Drozdy Gyozonek:

>Itt van elottem az ADO kodex 1992. szept. 18.-i szama, es az idevonatkozo
>rendeletek. Az en olvasasom szerint egyaltalan nem igaz, hogy vagyonnyilat-
>kozatot csak az koteles tenni, aki:
>>    - allando- VAGY szokasos tartozkodasi helye Magyaro-on van.
>Az 1991. evi LXXXV. torveny 32.p-sa szerint allampolgarsagra es tartozkodasi
>helyre valo tekintett nelkul a M.orszagi vagyonarol nyilatkoznia kell
>mindenkinek, akire az elso ket feltetel igaz. Oriasi kolonbseg!!!

Igazad van, en az ADO kodex 19. oldalat neztem (Kitoltesi utmutato a
vagyonnyilatkozathoz - az APEH alairasaval) ez NEM azonos a trv. szovegevel.
A elteres azoknal a szemelyeknel jelentkezik, akikre az alabbi 3 allitas egyutt
	- nem rendelkeznek Mo.-on sem allando- sem szokasos tartozkodasi
	  hellyel ES
	- van Mo-on vagyonuk ES
	- 1988. jan. 1. utan szereztek adokoteles bevetelt (belfoldon szer-
		zett bevetelrol van szo ld. 1991. evi XC. trv. 1.$ (1))

Ugy tunik, ezekrol az APEH lemondott (?), de ha szigoruan nezzuk a dolgot
(jogaszok valaszolhatjak meg ezt:) az APEH-nek erre nem volt joga, mert
a torveny a nyilvanvaloan magasabb szintu es igy az ilyen szemely a torveny
ertelmeben megis koteles nyilatkozatot tenni...

(Zarojelben: nem ez egyetlen elteres a torveny es az APEH szovege kozott.
Pl. a torveny a takarekbetet bevallasa eseten  a penzintezet altal
kiallitott igazolasnak a v.nyil.-hoz torteno CSATOLASAT, mig az APEH ennek
az igazolasnak a MEGORZESET irja elo.)

Vegezetul, en is csak akkor tartom a dolgot elesnek, ha eldolt, hogy megis
lesz vagyonnyilatkozati kotelezettseg.

Melczer Zoltan
+ - Uszas es csuszas (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kedves nyelveszek!
Van a cimbeli ket igenek koze egymashoz?
A problema akkor merult fel, amikor 2 eves lanyom egy rajzfilmet nezve
megallapitotta, hogy "a kacsa csuszik a vizen".
+ - LambdaMOO, ha az irc nem eleg izgalmas (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Probald ki ezt:

  telnet 8888

Ez egy virtualis valosag, amelyben nem csak beszelgethetsz, hanem
bejarhatsz egy masok altal epitett kornyezetet, targyakat hasznalhatsz,
uj (mukodo!) targyakat hozhatsz letre, epithetsz,
uj szobakat hozhatsz letrebovitheted a kornyezetet, stb, stb.
(Sajat LISP-szeru programozasi nyelve van.)
Csak nagyon vigyazz az idodre! Tenyleg veszelyes.
Itt az en elso probalkozasom eredmenye:

Trying ...
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

                          *  Welcome to LambdaMOO!  *

                       Running Version 1.7 of LambdaMOO

Type `connect <character-name> <password>'     to connect to your character,
     `connect Guest'     to connect to a guest character,
     `create'            for information on how to get a character of your own,
     '              just to see who's logged in right now, or
     '             to disconnect, either now or later.

For example, `connect Munchkin frebblebit' would connect to the character
`Munchkin' if `frebblebit' were the right password.

After you've connected, type
  `help'             for documentation.
  `help wizard-list' for a list of current wizards

Please email bug/crash reports (but NOT character-creation requests; see
`create' above) to .
connect Guest
*** Connected ***
The Coat Closet
The closet is a dark, cramped space.  It appears to be very crowded in here;
 you keep bumping into what feels like coats, boots, and other people
 (apparently sleeping).  One useful thing that you've discovered in your
 bumbling about is a metal doorknob set at waist level into what might be a
Don't forget to take a look at the newspaper.  Type 'news' to see it.
Help is available on the following general topics:

introduction -- what's going on here and some basic commands
index -- index into the help system

players -- setting characteristics of yourself
movement -- moving yourself between rooms
communication -- communicating with other players
manipulation -- moving or using other objects
miscellaneous -- commands that don't fit anywhere else

building -- extending the MOO
programming -- writing code in the MOO programming language
editors -- editing text and code in the MOO

@pagelength -- what to do if lines scroll off your screen too fast
@linelength -- what to do if lines are truncated
tinymud -- a list of equivalences between MOO and TinyMUD concepts/commands

LambdaMOO -- the `theme' of LambdaMOO, what new building should be like
manners -- the commonly-accepted rules of behavior on this MUD
wizard-list -- current list of LambdaMOO wizards

Type 'help <topic>' for information on a particular topic.

I don't understand that.
help introduction
Spook teleports in.
Blue_Guest has connected.
LambdaMOO is a kind of virtual reality, in which players move about from place
 to place manipulating their environment in what we hope are amusing,
 entertaining, or enlightening ways.

LambdaMOO is more of a pastime than a game in the usual sense; there is no
 `score' kept, there are no specific goals to attain in general, and there's
 no competition involved.  LambdaMOO participants explore the virtual world,
 talk to the other participants, try out the weird gadgets that others have
 built, and create new places and things for others to encounter and enjoy.

Most commands have the form of simple English sentences:
    <verb>  <direct object>
    <verb>  <direct object>  <preposition>  <indirect object>
Don't use English articles (e.g. 'a', 'an', or 'the') in your commands; the
 MOO won't understand them.  You can refer to yourself as 'me' and the room
 you're in as 'here'.

The first five kinds of commands you'll want to know are listed below.  Type
 'help <topic-name>' for details on any of them:

look -- getting a description of the current room or any other object
say -- speaking to the other players in the same room as you
@who -- showing which players are currently connected to the MOO
movement -- how to move around in the MOO, from room to room
@quit -- disconnecting from the MOO
Spook shimmers in the dark.
You hear a quiet popping sound; Blue_Guest has disconnected.
Cujo sits down and starts scratching his shoulder.
help LambdaMOO
LambdaMOO takes place inside and on the grounds of a large, sprawling mansion.
  The house has existed in one form or another for literally hundreds of
 years, passing through the hands of a bewildering seqeuence of owners.  Most
 of the owners have taken the opportunity to add to the mansion, extending it
 in dozens of different directions, each with a completely different vision
 and architectural style.  In short, this house is a bit of a mongrel.

The house is also very large, so large in fact that the current occupants
 themselves have only ever explored a tiny portion of it.  What may be going
 on in other parts of the house is anybody's guess.  I wouldn't be the least
 bit surprised to hear about space aliens, ancient secret societies, or even
 high-tech cottage industries that are making use of parts of the house.  With
 nobody having the means or inclination to patrol the whole place, almost
 anything could be squatting here.

South of the occupied part of the house lie the palatial gardens.  Many parts
 of the gardens are still being tended and cared for, some even by gardeners
 hired by the current occupants.  Of course, there are other parts of the
 gardens that have become quite overgrown and wild, sheltering who knows what.

The land underneath the house is also full of strange tunnels, odd caverns,
 perhaps a forgotten mine, and other amusements.  Of course, except for the
 wine cellars, the current occupants are completely unaware of such

To add to the LambdaMOO universe, please look for themes that fit well into
 this framework.  You can build your additions in limbo, disconnected from the
 rest, until you've got it up to a certain level of coherence.  Look for an
 existing place that would make a good neighbor for your addition, and then
 find the owner of that place to hook you in.

Please note that we intend that the topology of the LambdaMOO universe be
 consistent: rooms should not overlap each other, going east through a door
 should be reversable by going west, etc.  Please keep this in mind while
 building new areas.
Have fun!
help look
Syntax: look
        look <object>
        look <object> in <container>

Show a description of something.

The first form, with no arguments, shows you the name and description of the
 room you're in, along with a list of the other objects that are there.

The second form lets you look at a specific object.  Most objects have
 descriptions that may be read this way.  You can look at your own description
 using 'look me'.  You can set the description for an object or room,
 including yourself, with the 'describe' command (see 'help describe').

The third form shows you the description of an object that is inside some
 other object, including objects being carried by another player.
look me
By definition, Guest appears nondescript.
It is awake and looks alert.
help say
Syntax:  say <anything> ...
         "<anything> ...

Says <anything> out loud, so that everyone in the same room hears it.  This is
 so commonly used that there's a special abbreviation for it: any command-line
 beginning with a double-quote ('"') is treated as a 'say' command.

Munchkin types this:
  "This is a great MOO!
Munchkin sees this:
  You say, "This is a great MOO!"
Others in the same room see this:
  Munchkin says, "This is a great MOO!"
help @who
Syntax: @who
        @who <player> [<player> ... ]

The first form lists all of the currently-connected players, along with the
 amount of time they've been connected, the amount of time they've been idle,
 and their present location in the MOO.

The second form, in which a list of player names is given, shows information
 for just those players.  For any listed players that are not connected, we
 show the last login time instead of the connect/idle times.

@who refers to the @who_location message (see 'help messages') on each
 player's location in order to determine what should be printed in the
 location column.  Pronoun substitutions are done on this string in the usual
 manner (see 'help pronouns').  The default value is "%T" (i.e., the room
Player name                Connected    Idle time    Location
-----------                ---------    ---------    --------
Guest (#5704)              6 minutes    a second     The Coat Closet
Stellah (#49754)           3 minutes    2 seconds    Stellah's Chamber
Zman (#23570)              an hour      5 seconds    Above the Z-Room [mailing]
Count (#35076)             56 minutes   7 seconds    Magic Department
Shag (#49608)              8 seconds    9 seconds    ShagWorld
Spam (#37554)              3 hours      10 seconds   Spam's Can
Platinum.Dragon (#50292)   6 hours      16 seconds   Dagard's study
SamIAm (#41011)            21 minutes   21 seconds   Spam's Can
Sylvia (#50287)            30 minutes   27 seconds   Master Bedroom
Calypso (#50099)           4 hours      28 seconds   AcidHouse
Grendel (#50352)           an hour      33 seconds   Grendel's Lair
AcidHorse (#6924)          2 hours      36 seconds   AcidHouse
Rasputin (#50254)          an hour      43 seconds   Master Bedroom
hagbard (#36271)           5 hours      5 minutes    Hackers' Heaven
Spook (#50083)             22 minutes   5 minutes    The Coat Closet
Haakon (#2)                2 days       7 hours      Lambda's Den

Total: 16 players, 13 of whom have been active recently.
BigBob has connected.
TonaTiuh has connected.
You hear a quiet popping sound; TonaTiuh has disconnected.
BigBob opens the closet door and leaves, closing it behind himself.
help movement
The descriptions of most rooms outline the directions in which exits exist.
 Typical directions include the eight compass points ('north', 'south',
 'east', 'west', 'northeast', 'southeast', 'northwest', and 'southwest'),
 'up', 'down', and 'out'.

To go in a particular direction, simply type the name of that direction (e.g,
 'north', 'up').  The name of the direction can usually be abbreviated to one
 or two characters (e.g., 'n', 'sw').  You can also type 'go <direction>' to
 move; this is particularly useful if you know you're going to type several
 movement commands in a row (see 'help go').

In addition to such vanilla movement, some areas may contain objects allowing
 teleportation and almost all areas permit the use of the 'home' command to
 teleport you to your designated home (see 'help home' for more details).

help home
Syntax: home

Instantly teleports you to your designated home room.
Initially, this room is The Coat Closet (#11).
You can change your designated home; see 'help @sethome' for details.
I don't understand that.
Player name                Connected    Idle time    Location
-----------                ---------    ---------    --------
Guest (#5704)              11 minutes   0 seconds    The Coat Closet
Stellah (#49754)           8 minutes    4 seconds    Stellah's Chamber
hagbard (#36271)           5 hours      6 seconds    Hackers' Heaven
BigBob (#49968)            4 minutes    15 seconds   The Living Room
Spam (#37554)              3 hours      19 seconds   Spam's Can
Rasputin (#50254)          2 hours      24 seconds   Master Bedroom
Platinum.Dragon (#50292)   6 hours      25 seconds   Museum of Immaterial Issue
Grendel (#50352)           an hour      27 seconds   Grendel's Lair
Sylvia (#50287)            34 minutes   32 seconds   Master Bedroom
AcidHorse (#6924)          3 hours      33 seconds   AcidHouse
Calypso (#50099)           4 hours      36 seconds   AcidHouse
SamIAm (#41011)            25 minutes   39 seconds   Spam's Can
Shag (#49608)              4 minutes    40 seconds   Stellah's Chamber
Count (#35076)             an hour      42 seconds   Blocked Tunnel (termitelan
Frand (#47)                2 minutes    a minute     The Living Room [mailing]
Spook (#50083)             27 minutes   9 minutes    The Coat Closet
Haakon (#2)                2 days       7 hours      Lambda's Den

Total: 17 players, 15 of whom have been active recently.
open door
You open the closet door and leave the darkness for the living room, closing
 the door behind you so as not to wake the sleeping people inside.
The Living Room
It is very bright, open, and airy here, with large plate-glass windows looking
 southward over the pool to the gardens beyond.  On the north wall, there is a
 rough stonework fireplace.  The east and west walls are almost completely
 covered with large, well-stocked bookcases.  An exit in the northwest corner
 leads to the kitchen and, in a more northerly direction, to the entrance
 hall.  The door into the coat closet is at the north end of the east wall,
 and at the south end is a sliding glass door leading out onto a wooden deck.
 There are two sets of couches, one clustered around the fireplace and one
 with a view out the windows.
You see Cockatoo, README for New MOOers, a fireplace, The Daily Whale, a
 newspaper, Welcome Poster, The Birthday Machine, a map of LambdaHouse,
 Helpful Person Finder, and lag meter here.
BigBob and Frand are here.
BigBob waves.
Frand says, "Hoy, Guest."
say hello
You say, "hello"
BigBob bounces around like a gummie bear.
Frand says, "Heh."
say This is the first time i am here. I don't understand much.
You say, "This is the first time i am here. I don't understand much."
BigBob says, "Neither do I...don't feel left out!"
Frand says, "Welcome to the world, Guest."
BigBob says, "Where are you at Frand?"
say What is this README?
You say, "What is this README?"
Frand is in Illinois at the moment.
Frand says, "All kindsa random stuff, Guest."
BigBob says, "Dunno."
Try 'help' first, then 'read README'

So What Is This Note Supposed To Be?
  What follows is intended as a starting guide to LambdaMOO. It does not
  duplicate anything you can find in the online help, particularly help
  LambdaMOO, so read that first. Also, it won't teach you to program in
  MOO; for that, ftp the manual from parcftp.xerox.com, and look at yduJ's
  tutorial in the library.

What Should I Do First?
  Give yourself a description (using  me as ...') and a gender
    (using  ...').
  Use the commands designed to help you learn about LambdaMOO. Notably,
    'help',  <object>',  here' and (if you are a
    programmer and want to learn to MOOcode) @list <object>:<verb>,
    where <object> is one of the public classes, eg $thing, $room or
    $player. The corollary to this is that when you start programming,
    you should set your objects readable, using the @chmod command, so
    others can learn from you.
  Read help!  It is quite complete, and has crossreferences. 'Help
    index' is one way to start. If you can't find what you're looking
    for in help, then ask.
  Have fun, be friendly, join in building a constructive environment.

What Shouldn't I Do?
  Be obnoxious or abusive. See 'help manners' for a fuller discussion
    of MOO behavior.
  Carry over programming habits from other MUDs or non-OO languages. In
      * Never duplicate a verb when you can use ) or
          parenting. MOO allows for object inheritance.
      * Never create a system without at least considering giving it
          virtual reality aspects. e.g. if you _must_ build a teleport
          system, at least add messages that give it the flavor of a
          magic gate, or _something_.
      * Don't use bogus exits (things that aren't really exits just
          to perform some action). Just add verbs to the room, it
          works a lot better.

How Do I Start Building?

  1. Quota. Each player has a limit on the number of owned objects.
     Initially the quota is 8, and is increased to 20 when a the
     player is granted programmer status. Building TinyMUD-style
     scenery is discouraged -- and since one connected room normally
     requires three objects in LambdaMOO (one room and two exits) it
     is also difficult. Building complex objects or rooms with
     interesting behavior is actively encouraged; there is no quota on
     verbs. See 'help quota-policy' for more information on policy,
     and in particular, how to get more quota when you've run out.

  2. Programmer Flags. To use more than a fraction of the power of
     MOO, you need a programmer flag. You get these by asking a wizard
     for one. ('help wizards'/'help wizard-list'). The current policy
     is to give a bit to anyone who isn't obviously unsuitable.

  3. Links. If you want to connect to the house proper, or anywhere
     else for that matter, you need to ask the owner of the place you
     want to link to. The arch-wizard prefers that you build initially
     in limbo, that is, unconnected to anywhere else.  When you've
     finished, or at least got something people may find worth looking
     at, ask the owner of the place you want to connect to to inspect
     it. See 'help LambdaMOO' for some ideas about theme and fitting
     in. Make sure your space would actually fit in the proposed
     location before asking for a link!

So What's to Do?
  Depends what you want to do. MOO is a great language for building
   complex gadgetry in, and marginally better than, say, TinyMUD for
   simple things. Some interesting places:
   -- The house itself has some interesting things in it.
      * The dining room is full of puzzle games.
      * There's a Strasbourg Clock and a world globe in the entrance
        hall, you can add your hometown to them.
      * The Rube Goldberg contraption on the pool deck is fun.

   -- The dusty intersection area, a long way east of the entrance
      hall. That includes:
      * Gemba's role-playing academy, and the Bovine Illuminati.
        Be sure to check the adventurers library!
      * Several adventures for it, written by Gary_Severn and Gemba.
      * Gary_Severn's university area, which leads to several adventures.
   -- yduJ (rhymes with fudge) 's swimming pool and hot tub area,
      southeast of the living room.
      * Several areas can be reached by diving from the pool.
      * Various things attached to the pool deck.
   -- The underground arcade downstairs, which has a variety of shops.
   -- and a zillion other things! Explore! Read the notes on the

(You finish reading.)
The cuckoo clock begins making a small whirring noise.
>> Cuckoo! <<
You hear a small click coming from the cuckoo clock.
BigBob kicks the lagg monster.
Cockatoo squawks, "i still cant get my dog to attack anyone else"
Frand advises 'read readme', if ya haven't figgered it out already.
Frand peers at the lag meter.
say Thanks, i am already reading it
You say, "Thanks, i am already reading it"
say Is there a map of this place somewhere?
You say, "Is there a map of this place somewhere?"
Frand says, "There's a partial map right here, yes."
The Living Room
It is very bright, open, and airy here, with large plate-glass windows looking
 southward over the pool to the gardens beyond.  On the north wall, there is a
 rough stonework fireplace.  The east and west walls are almost completely
 covered with large, well-stocked bookcases.  An exit in the northwest corner
 leads to the kitchen and, in a more northerly direction, to the entrance
 hall.  The door into the coat closet is at the north end of the east wall,
 and at the south end is a sliding glass door leading out onto a wooden deck.
 There are two sets of couches, one clustered around the fireplace and one
 with a view out the windows.
You see Cockatoo, README for New MOOers, a fireplace, The Daily Whale, a
 newspaper, Welcome Poster, The Birthday Machine, a map of LambdaHouse,
 Helpful Person Finder, and lag meter here.
BigBob and Frand are here.
Frand points at 'a map of LambdaHouse'.
look map
This is a map of part of LambdaHouse and the surrounding areas. Exits between
 rooms are shown, but keep in mind that some exits are one-way, and some, such
 as `enter', `up', and `down' aren't shown.  Also remember that, although this
 map is kept as accurate as possible, LambdaHouse is a volitile thing, always
 changing. Areas marked with `...' have exits to other areas you may wish to

read map
This is a map of part of LambdaHouse and the surrounding areas. Exits between
 rooms are shown, but keep in mind that some exits are one-way, and some, such
 as `enter', `up', and `down' aren't shown.  Also remember that, although this
 map is kept as accurate as possible, LambdaHouse is a volitile thing, always
 changing. Areas marked with `...' have exits to other areas you may wish to

              |            |
           Landing         |
           Site...         |
              |            |
            Field...       |
                         Drive-    Powder                 Guest         UNIV
         Garage<--------/ way       Room                  B'room Lib'ry RSTY
            |              |         |                       |     |     |
Housekp--Laundry Dining---Entr.--Corridor----Corridor-<d/u>-Corr--Corr--Intr-
Quarters  Room   Room..   Hall       |           |           |     |    sctn.
           |        |   /  |  Coat  Gnd.F Walkin |     Lambda's  Guest   |
         Family--Kitchen   | Closet Stair Closet |         Den    Room  RPG
          Room      |   \  |   /     |\   /      |                      ...
           |        |    LIVING   Dressing--Master
           |        |     ROOM\     Area   Bedroom
West of---Yard-----Kitchen     \     |     |
Gardens...          Patio\      \  H.Bath  |
   |                  |   \      \      \  |
Makeshift           Base   \      \-----Deck--Hot Tub
  Cafe             of Oak   \            |    Deck...
                    Tree     \--------\ Pool
                      |                \Deck...
                  Brambles              /   \
                     ...            Pool   Hedge
                                  Controls  Maze

(You finish reading.)
Spook teleports in.
Frand says, "Hoy, Spook."
Spook wonders whether frand is a wiz.
Frand says, "Nope."
Frand recommends ' to see if any are on.
You hear the distant clunk of a furnace firing up.
The dust rises and Firebrand appears.
BigBob says, "There's a new mud on abbott.cs.ubc.ca 4000"
A dark cloud forms above Firebrand and there is suddenly strong wind.  In a
 ZAPP! Guest is turned into a frog.
Guest croaks, "RIBBIT! RIBBIT!"
Guest hops around the room.
Firebrand goes home.

+ - keres (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kedves olvaso!
Eloszer hasznalom a tipp-et, ezert elore is elnezest kerek,
ha valami nem lesz az igazi.
Egy evre jottem Leedsbe tanulni Debrecenbol, es
most sikerult bekapcsolodnom az E-mail-be.
Szeretnek megkerni barkit, hogy ha ismer debreceni E-mail
cime/ke/t azt kuldje el nekem.
En a DOTE-n tanultam, de KLTE vagy DATE, stb. cimeknek
is nagyon orulnek.
  Elore is koszonom:
    Dalmi Attila
vagy hetfotol /dec 9/:
+ - Lotus (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

PC-n Lotus fileokbol szeretnek szamadatokat kivenni a program
hasznalata nelkul. Letezik Lotus file leiras, ami elerheto?
Lehet kapni, venni kell, vagy halando szamara nem elerheto?
(Tudom, hogy van export funkcio, de nem erre gondoltam.)
Utolso megoldas: Ki kell talalni, hogy van kodolva a file, de ez
tunik a legnehezebb megoldasnak.

+ - Kezcsokom a holgyeknek ... (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

... akik elokerultek 17 dkg liszt es 2,5 tojas sargaja kapcsan.

Ga'cs Lajos
+ - Freud Zsigmond igaza (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kedves Foldiak Peter es Minden TIPPelo!

Na, akkor Freudnak nagyon igaza lehet, mert hogy en meg Bill Clintontol
hallottam egyenes adasban ugyanezt az elszolast, amikor az arkansasi
kapitolium elott szolt az unneplo tomeghez szerda kora hajnalban.
A fo, hogy vegulis ki lett javitva a shame.

    Udv: Simanyi Nandor
+ - amerikai-magyar turo (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Egy emigrans magyar notol tanult trukk (egesz jo):
keverjetek az amerikai turoba buzadarat (cream of wheat neven
instant formaban kaphato).
Felszivja a folosleges nedveket, elegge elethu az eredmeny.

+ - On-line ko2nyvta1ri katalo1gus (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Ha valakit e1rdekel, az Amszterdami Egyetemnek is van on-line katalo1gusa.
        telnet sara-ts1.sara.nl <ENTER>

        uba <ENTER>             (nem jelenik meg a ke1pernyo3n!)

U2dv -- Ka1lma1n L.
+ - Egy ujszulottnek... (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

... minden vicc uj. Kb ket es fel honapja vagyok a HIX-ujsagok
olvasoja, es feltunt, hogy a hozzaszolok gyakran hasznalnak
kulonbozo irasjel-csoportokat egyes gondolataik vegen, pl>

                     :-) vagy :-(   es hasonlok.

Elarulna valaki, hogy ezek a jelcsoportok mit jelentenek?
Esetleg vannak-e meg mas egyezmenyes jelek is?

Koszonettel  Hidas Peter
+ - Keresem Kozma Gabort (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Tegnap/ma (csutortokon) beszelgettunk az irc #hix-en. Ha olvasod,
jelentkezz, mert nem tudtam leirni a Somorjai Akos E-mail cimet.

Ha valaki ismeri a Gabort, szolhatna neki, vagy megadhatna nekem az E-mail
cimet. Ha az Akost ismeritek az se rossz :-).

        Bu"byeos udvozletem:

P.S. Jozsi (Hollosi), esetleg neked megvan a csutortoki beszelgetok
	nevsora - ugy ertem E-mail cimmel?
	Gabor 'gko' nickname-mel szerepelt. 	
	Ha igen, elkuldened, legy szives. Koszi.
+ - Fohasz (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Mondd meg nekem, oh, Szamitogepes Kommunikacio Hatalmas Szelleme,
kinek ezernyi arcat talan soha, csak neveit es cimeit lathatom,
hogy van angolul a 'hajpakolas' magyar kifejezes!
Ha meg azt is elarulnad, melyek a jo minosegu, de meg elfogadhatu aru
markak, melyet altalanos csereertekesemert beszerezhetek, akkor nevedet
ket hetre .plan imaimba foglalnam, hogy barki e szeles vilagon

+ - Marci jelentkezz! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Dornbach Marci, ha olvasod ezt, legyszives irj a cimemre, mert en elvesztettem
a tiedet.
			Istvan (Szucs)